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AntiScam Quiz :
Check likelihood of being scammed
Take Anti-Scam Quiz

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Scam Quiz Tool

This tool should help you to determine whether you are likely being scammed based on the 10-question questionnaire below.
Scam Quiz Tool does not guarantee that the person is a scammer or NOT a scammer: it merely provides you with the likelihood percentages based on our experience with Scam Check incidents that our customers shared with us. It may further suggest to you whether it makes sense to order a Scam Check Service or in opposite it may suggest that you should not be too worried based on the information you provided so far.

Additionally, ProSearch Scam Quiz tool will search the database of the dating profiles from various dating sites and will let you know whether a record exists. If a record is found it does not mean that the lady is a scammer: some ladies have completely clean profiles.
Attention: If you have seen the lady in person - this survey will not be as effective to measure the likelihood of being scammed (in our experience scammers rarely meet their victims in person).

Here is what other people said about the Scam Quiz Tool:
"The quiz was very useful. It helped me to look for the warning signs and I could ask the correct questions. I then found out that the person was trying to scam me. The online help is also very helpful."
"I will likely use this quiz in the future if I am serious about the new person I meet and want to take the relationship further."

"The Quiz was useful: Although I am still not 100% sure whether I am being scammed by the person, I learned a lot about scammer warning signs."

Take ProSearch Scam Quiz ($9.95) - coming soon

What is the difference between FREE Scam Quiz and ProSearch Scam Quiz?
ProSearch Scam Quiz offers advanced search options by searching through thousands of scammer names, checking the likelihood based on what city the scammer is from and what street the scammer resides on. Since many scammers use the same cities and street names as their residence - this tool can effectively help to check the possibility of being scammed. These search features combined with the warning sign checks will provide the most accurate Scam Score (the measure of scam likelihood). Detailed explanations are also attached to the report.

Attention: a portion of the profits from ProSearch Scam Quiz are donated to AICR (American Institute for Cancer Research). The rest of the profits will be used for further Internet-based reporting of scammer statistics.

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