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Flowers to Russia
Coupon code: SCAMCHECK7



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We will deliver one red rose to the address you provide us with. Our couriers will personally visit the address, and report back with their findings. This includes a description of whether the address or the recipient was found, a photograph of the delivery, and passport verification. The recipient will need to show their passport or some form of ID in order to receive the gift.
Highly advised for those who believe the recipient might be using a fake name.
This option includes a check in local telephone directories, in the event that we are unable to find the recipient. If the photograph isn't taken, but the order is delivered, our courier will describe the recipient's major physical characteristics.

Attention: No refund will be provided if the delivery is not completed due to one of the following reasons: the recipient declines to open the door, recipient declines to accept flowers OR if the delivery address is invalid & we are unable to contact the recipient to get address clarification.

Timeline: the service may take somewhere between 3 to 5 business days

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal and US check / money order. Visit this page to learn about acceptable payment methods.


* Indicates a required field.

 * Delivery Date:

Please, specify the date when you would like your service provided. We guarantee order completion in 2-3 business days


 * Recipient Name:
First and Last name:   
 * Recipient Address:
Street Address:  
Alternative Ph (work or mobile)  
  Note: Please, do not use + in the phone number field.

We provide our customers with the opportunity to attach a personal note on a gift card that will be delivered with your order

Gift Card
Text on the card
Check here to translate this message from English to Russian (Please, limit to 100 words)

Enter sender contact information here in case if we need to contact you regarding your order. All contact information supplied is for company use only, and will not be given or sold to other companies.

 * Sender Name:
First Name:  
Last Name:  
 * Sender Address:
ZIP/Postal Code:  
 * Sender Contact Information:

How did you find our site ? 

If you have any comments or special instructions that you would like to send to us then please fill in that information here.

Special Instructions / Comments:



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Доставка цветов | Flowers to Russia